Meeting Information: Location Online Zoom (Registration Required)
Tuesday, March 8, 2022 · 1:00 – 3:00pm
Open to all members who have registered for membership (List of current members)
- Call to order
- Determination of Quorum
- Appointment of the Moderator (Amély O’Neil)
- Approval of the Agenda
- Equity & Accessibility Check-in (Barry)
- Receive the annual report of the activities of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management (Barry)
- Appoint Nicole Henderson, CPA as Auditor/financial review for 2022
- Adopt the by-laws
- Adopt Articles of Incorporation
- Adopt Code of Conduct
- Elect the members of the Board of Directors
- Approve membership dues
- Adjourn
5 Minutes after the meeting – We host Open-Space (60 minutes)
In short – Open Space is a brainstorming session for members to join. It allows the organization to discuss important ideas, in smaller groups where those interested in that project or focus can provide input (positive or negative).
- Present the process
- Breakout into groups
- Groups return and report on findings
- Documents shared with the rest of the membership for additional comments
- Board and Staff take comments and determine any actions.